Sunday, June 10, 2012

Leaving Harpers Ferry

We once again loaded Elise's car down with backpacks and boxes of things to be shipped, and headed for the trail, which this time was right down in the historic part of Harpers Ferry. Keith ran into the Outfitters to exchange his shoes, and we grabbed our packs for the weigh in. Keith's weighed in at 32 lbs, mine weighed right at 30, and Swamprat's was 44. I had won!!!! Mostly I was happier to just be lighter, because hiking would be that much easier!
Unfortunately, we had to tell Elise and Daniel bye. They were going on the Maryland for a little more sightseeing before heading home. We enjoyed seeing them so very much, and hated to see them leave. We also were not looking forward to the heat. In the past 3 days, the temps had hit the low 90's here.
We hugged everyone goodbye, and waved as they drive off. We. Ought one last cold soft drink at the last vendor we could before crossing the railroad bridge across the Potomac River, and into Maryland. The first several miles we hiked along a busy bike path that ran along the Potomac and the C&O Canal. This was easy, level hiking, and we enjoyed it. Before long though, we were once again following the routine of climbing up out of yet another river valley, and hiked up switchback after switchback until we reached a good elevation, which we stayed at the rest of the day. Other than the occasional stretches of crippling rocks, it was a nice easy trail today.
We came to a State Park (with Coke machines) that had a memorial built to war correspondents. It was at one time the home of the most published Civil War journalist. There were some beautiful rock structures still standing, as well as some ruins. As we hiked today, we could hear Civil War battle reenactments going on just west of us, with plenty of gunfire and cannon blasts
There were not many thru-hikers on the trail today where we were. We ran into Secrets and Shenanigans, and eventually hiked into camp with a father and son from Philadelphia, who were doing the section from Harpers Ferry to Duncannon. They are named Shadow and Spider, and are camped with us tonight. Spider is just 13 but is carrying a full pack and hiked 15 miles today, just like we did. He should be proud.
At supper time, we were surprised by a black cat that kept begging for food. Swamprat, who feels that he doesn't need any help in the bad luck department, really could NOT believe it when a black cat snuggled up to him, purring. The folks at the shelter nearby said its been at the shelter for a month, and that the shelter now has no mice!

Camped at Rock Run Shelter, mile 1032.7.

- Steady and F100


Unknown said...


I have been following your blogs since we met at the bridge at the Nantahala outdoor center and I took Keith's picture.

I am curious about your daily trail food. Back when I hiked it was Oatmeal & Coffee for breakfast, Tuna & bread for lunch and beans and rice for dinner.

Am also curious about your equipment. How things are holding up changes you would make. In particular your water treatment choice (brand?)!


Keith and Linda Geraghty said...

Barry, good to hear from you! We will answer your questions the next time we hit town and have access to a computer. Thanks for your comments!