I thought I'd start off this update with a few photos from the day's hike. We had a couple of steep climbs today, one called Tray Mt., which was nothing like a tray at all, and plenty of other smaller mountains. Each day we are pretty much going up a mountain or coming down a mountain, with not too much level. When it does level out, it's because we are walking along the ridge line, so we have great views to the left and right, and then 360 degree views from the mountain tops. Today was a bit warm again, but we come across springs fairly often and always filter 4 liters, so we stay hydrated well. The most wonderful thing today was Matt, who we camped with last night, had DEET! He offered us that and Snickers. We gladly accepted the bug spray, and our day was much better because of it. So no bugs bothered us today. We met Sarah from New York at lunch, who is hiking alone. We found a great campsite with a creek to the east and are camped there now. After we set up camp, Sarah Hiked in, then Taylor and Kyle (father and son), Eric, and 71-year old Jarhead. Nice, friendly folks, and we've taken turns heading to the creek for baths, and are now visiting around the campfire, watching the stars come out.
(Camped at Sassafrass Gap, mile 63.3)

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All your pictures are awesome, but I LOVE the third one in this post! Favorite pic so far. I can't get over the trees. And the moss . . . okay, I'm going to force myself to stop obsessing over this picture and go be productive.
Thanks for the updates! :)
Thought you would like that, Elise. We keep entering these rhododendron thickets and all of a sudden the forest changes to a lush junglelike environment. Instantly cooler and shadier. Love that. The bright green moss usually lines the trail in those areas. Can't wait for the rhododendrons to be all blooming. Hoping to see that in the Smokies!
I LOVE rhododendrons. The end. Can't wait to see more pics! :)
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