Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sean!

Let me start this post, by saying, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEAN!  We wish we could be home to celebrate Sean's 21st birthday with him.  It's so hard being away on this day.  Hopefully, we can have a family celebration in a few weeks, when we see him and Elise in Virginia (hers is on the 18th). 
We are taking a zero in Marion, Virginia, today and while I'm resting my leg (darn shin splint!), and taking advantage of internet access, F100 and Swamprat are going down the road to get groceries and do laundry.
We had great mexican food last night, an awesome breakfast in the hotel restaurant this morning.  The guys will hit the fast food down the road, and I"ll visit the hotel restaurant again for lunch.  Luckily, it's close enough to wifi, to get some blogging done. 
Speaking of food, we have all lost weight.  Keith has lost about 17, Swamprat about 22, and I haven't visit the scales lately, but figure I've lost about 15.  We are trying not to lose too much too fast, but since it's hard to consume enough food on the trail, we really do try to eat a lot of calories while in town.  This means, always order dessert!  I can tell we will have to be careful when we come off of this hike, or we will gain it all back plus more!
Keith and Swamprat ventured into a nice old lady's beauty salon while they were waiting for laundry today, and the lady ended up trimming Keith's beard.  All this week, Swamprat has been talking about cutting a hair cut,  but he said this lady had the shakes so bad, once he saw her trimming up Keith, he decided against it.

Sean, if we could, we'd bring you this pony for your birthday:

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